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Learn the Recruitment and Selection Process of an Organization

Every company needs employees for performing different tasks. In this video, learn the whole process of recruitment and selection process of an organization.

Get to know everything about the process of selection, which will help you know how you can prepare yourself to get selected.

The Recruitment Process

Selecting the right person depends on following a series of clear steps. Here’s a simple process that you can use no matter what type or level a position you want to fill. This also ensures your recruitment is efficient, effective and fair.

Recruitment Process Explained

This video explains the different stages of the recruitment process and how this process can help a business with effective recruitment.

Recruitment is Marketing

Finding top talent is harder than ever. Attracting candidates and retaining current employees is a lot like attracting and retaining customers.

Recruiters and HR need new skills and tools to reach and engage candidates the way marketers do with customers. They must find, attract, nurture, and hire the right talent to grow their businesses.

Recruitment and Selection

An interesting video on selection and recruitment.

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